Open Access Policy
This periodical provides open access to its contents, as it is considered that making the research freely available to the public improves the exchange of knowledge at global level.
Ethical Code
Ethical declaration of the periodical “Storia della critica d’arte. Annuario della S.I.S.C.A.” (Associazione Italiana di Storia della Critica d’Arte ETS)
The Annuario is a peer-reviewed scientific periodical inspired by the ethical code for publications drawn up by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. It is necessary for all the parties involved – authors, editors and referees – to be aware of and agree to the following ethical requirements.
Decisions on publication
The director of the periodical is responsible for the decision as to whether to publish the articles submitted or not. The director may refer to the periodical’s scientific committee and is required to abide by the requirements of the laws on the subject of defamation, infringement of copyright and plagiarism. In taking his or her decisions, the director may consult other editors or referees.
The director appraises the articles submitted for publication based on their content, without any discrimination as regards the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship, political orientation of the authors concerned.
The director and any member of the editorial team must not reveal any information on a manuscript submitted for evaluation for the periodical to anyone who is not the corresponding author, referee, potential referee, editorial consultants and editor, as appropriate.
Conflicts of interest and disclosure
Unpublished materials contained in a sent manuscript must not be used when seeking an editor-in-chief or a member of the editorial team without the author’s explicit written consent.
Contribution to editorial decisions
The peer review practice helps the director take editorial decisions and, through editorial communication with the author, may also help the latter improve his or her text.
Respecting of timescales
Referees who do not feel suitable for the assignment proposed or who know that they will be unable to carry out the reading within the timescale required must notify the director of this promptly.
Every text sent out to be read must be considered confidential. Therefore, these texts must not be discussed with other people without the director’s explicit authorisation.
The peer review must be conducted objectively. All personal judgements of the author are inappropriate, as are any potentially offensive comments. Referees are required to provide suitable grounds for their judgements.
Indication of texts
Referees undertake to indicate precisely the bibliographical details of fundamental works that may have been neglected by the author. Referees must also make the director aware of any similarities or overlaps of the text received to be read with other works known to them.
Conflicts of interest and disclosure
Reserved information or indications obtained during the peer review process must be considered confidential and may not be used for personal ends. Referees are required not to agree to read articles concerning which a conflict of interest exists due to previous relationships of collaboration or competition with the author and/or with the institution to which he or she belongs.
Access to and storage of data
If the director deems it appropriate, the authors of articles should also make the sources or the data on which the research is based available, so that these may be stored for a reasonable period of time after publication and that access may possibly be given to them.
Originality and plagiarism
Authors must guarantee that they have written entirely original works, and, if they have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately indicated or cited.
Multiple, repetitive and/or competing publications
Authors should not publish articles describing the same research in more than one periodical. Offering the same text to more than one periodical at the same time constitutes ethically improper and unacceptable conduct.
Indication of sources
Authors must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.
Ownership of the work
The ownership of the work must be correctly attributed and all those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, organisation, realisation and redrafting of the research that is at the basis of the article must be indicated as co-authors. If other people have participated in a significant way to any phase of the research, their contribution must be explicitly recognised. In the case of contributions written by a number of people, the author who sends the text to the periodical is required to declare that they have correctly indicated the names of all the other co-authors, that they have gained the latter’s approval of the final version of the article and their consent to publication in the periodical.
Conflicts of interest and disclosure
All authors must indicate in their manuscript any financial conflict or other conflict of interest that could be interpreted in such a way as to influence the results or the interpretation of their work. All sources of financial support for the project must be indicated.
Errors in published articles
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracies in his or her published work, they are obliged to inform the director of the journal or the editor promptly and collaborate with the director in order to withdraw or correct the text.
Authors retain rights over their own works, assigning the right of publication to the periodical on a non-exclusive basis.

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